SPN Slash AU (Not Wincest – Dean/OC)
by J.M. Griffin
Cover Art by JKay
Having his brother Sam back in his life means there are certain things Dean Winchester tries his best to avoid doing. But after an intense encounter in a bar in Savannah, GA, Dean finds his world is changed forever by the tall good-looking blond man who calls him Win.
SPN Slash AU (Dean/James)
by J.M. Griffin
Cover Art by JKay
Like the proverbial moth to the flame, Dean Winchester finds himself drawn back to Savannah, GA again and again. His lover is always delighted to see him. But the relationship shifts and changes between the two men when James gets an up-close glimpse into the scary world Dean and Sam inhabit.
SPN Slash (Dean/James)
by JM Griffin
Cover art by JKay
RECKONINGS brings the AU saga of Dean and James full circle. Having released the Seven Deadly Sins from the devil’s gate, Dean and Sam find themselves with a new hunting agenda. At first James’s home is a safe haven for the brothers–but when James is pulled into the situation by the demon Lust, all hell breaks loose.